Firewall Rule to Allow Incoming Azure Load Balancer Traffic

When the device is deployed on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform and you have configured the device (Signaling Component) with firewall rules where the last rule is a Block rule for all traffic, you must add a rule to allow keep-alive traffic between the Azure Load Balancer health probe and the device. Therefore, in the Firewall table, add a rule before the Block rule with the following parameter settings:

'Source IP':
'Source Port': 0
'Prefix Length': 32
'Start Port': 315
'End Port': 315
'Protocol': TCP
'Use Specific Interface': Disable
'Action Upon Match': Allow
'Packet Size': 0
'Byte Rate': 0
'Byte Burst': 0
This section is applicable only to Mediant CE.
The 'Source IP' parameter configures the source IP address from where Load Balancer health probes originate. To make sure that the IP address ( specified above is correct, go to Microsoft's web page on health probes.